Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cashtowns Resources

In Cashtowns you have six different resources or raw materials: Vegetables, Meat, Iron, Wood, Stone and Clay.

Vegetables were used for meat production only. In this moment vetetables are the most important raw in cashtowns. They don't required other raw materials in the production process.

Meat is used to recruit new citizens or to train specialists . Meat is produced by farms and requires large amounts of vegetables in the process.

Iron is one of the four resources used in any Construction. 
It is also used for weapons production and soldiers recruitment/training.
Iron production requires Vegetables, Meat, Wood and Stone to be produced.

Wood is the main resource used in construction. Every buildings need wood in order to be built. Wood production requires meat and vegetables.


Stone is used extensively in the costruction of roads and buildings. Stone is produced by stone quarries and require Meat, Iron, Wood and Vegetables in the process.

Clay is used in the costruction of road and buildings over q4. It is produced by claypits and require wood, iron and stone in the process.

Vegetables Farm, Farm, Stone Quarry, ClayPit, BlackSmith, Wood Factory are the buildings that you use to generate raws. All these buildings can have 5 different levels, from Q1 to Q5.

For example, Level 1 Wood factory produces 6 Wood in 3 Hours, the Q2 Wood factory produces 24 wood in 6 hours.
If you want to upgrade your buildings, you have to keep in mind this 2 things:

  • road connection, between city hall and that building, must be upgraded at the new level of that building
  • you need one free unskilled workers

For example if you want to upgrade a building from level 2 (Q2) to level 3 (Q3) you must have upgraded the roads to Q3, between that building and city hall.

1 comment:

  1. Good tutorial about cashtowns resources! Keep up your good work here in this cashtowns blog!
